The Ultimate Door To Door, Wheel To Wheel Action!
Bring the family out for exciting racing action every Saturday night. See the cars and stars put on a show that will keep you on the edge.
The Ultimate Door To Door, Wheel To Wheel Action!
Bring the family out for exciting racing action every Saturday night. See the cars and stars put on a show that will keep you on the edge.
The Ultimate Door To Door, Wheel To Wheel Action!
Bring the family out for exciting racing action every Saturday night. See the cars and stars put on a show that will keep you on the edge.

7/13/2024 - Valley Speedway
Grain Valley, MO
Points event/MWRA guest class by Wholesale batteries.Arive Alive
All cars must run track approved functional mufflers. The High-Flying class of the night will be Mod Lites. Guest Class is MWRS "Midwest Wingless Racing Association" a group of the fastest non wing teams in the Midwest. Our fast weekly classes will also be challenging the high banks of Valley Speedway, Fan gates open at 6, hot laps at 6:30, racing at 7. Adults $20, Senior, Military, student, $18, Kids 6 to 12 $6, 5 and under free. Come out and see the Arrive Alive Display by the Mo Department of Transportation/